Adam Glover

member profile

Adam Glover

Advanced Open Water / Ice Diver

I got my love of the underwater world at a young age from my Dad. My 12th birthday present was my Junior Open Water certification in Kitchener, Ontario.

I spent my summers in the numerous lakes and quarries around my home in Fergus, Ontario. After a few trips up to Tobermory, my love of cold water diving was firmly implanted.

As often happens, I moved onto other hobbies during my 20’s, but I fell back in love with diving during a trip to Cabo San Lucas. Since then I’ve enjoyed scuba diving in some of the best places BC has to offer with Scuba MUDs. I love introducing my friends to diving!

When I’m not underwater, you can usually find me risking my neck on a mountain bike rushing down a very steep hill.

Adam Glover